2010年3月21日 星期日

My Words

My words is an online vocabulary building program. I think it is wise website because it enables you to create and maintain individual vocabulary portfolios by constructing personalized glossaries and it assesses your learning progress. My words provides full lexical information e.g. definitions,synonyms and antonyms, spoken pronunciation, frequency, sample sentence. It also contians games and the comprehensive resourses on this website that assists you to maintian and enhance glossaries.You can also identify your vocabuary level through a number of assessment such as "the academic word list test".I think My word is better than web dictionary becuase it assits personal learning and provides assessment for learners. Learners are able to valuate their own words learning.
My words Toolbar helps learners to copy and learn vocabulary form the web.It features of capturing new words/phrases from any web page to your own personal word list.It navigates to the my words web site with one click, gets definitions and translations, says words/phrases on any web page. It also eady accesses to different resources, highlights words /phrases on any web page,generates a word list from any web page. I think my words toolbar is useful for vocabulary learning. The most impressive is easy to access to other information resources. Personally, My word is free and useful website for language learners espcially for Chinese learners.

2010年3月6日 星期六


Hsien-Chin Liou mainly discusses practical aspects through the exploration of the development of a piece of EFL interactive videodisc courseware. He makes good interpretation of the project objective setting, instruction design, and on-line implementation. In his paper, we can know that IVD can provide learners an authentic and adaptive learning environment. Personally, I have positive attitude toward using authentic materials to teach language. Students benefit from the explosure to real situations. IDV project will help teacher to teach more effective. "It consists of four units: an Introduction, Hyperscript, Film Viewing, and Film Viewing with Instruction.Hyperscript is a design using a hypertext format, while Film Viewing
is designed with various kinds of on-line help. Film Viewing with Instruction is a
module with a great deal of program control." This project is impressed me. Can you inmagin how pleased enviroment when you are learning literature through visual and audio relaxing. It might attract students to learn language. In additon, IVD proect also provide useful tool called DICTIONA.DBF that contains English and
Chinese pairs of all the words or idioms used in the film or play script so when students encounter unknown words or idioms, they can look them up on-line. This design helps students for individual learning with their own pace without interfering with others. Learners can use it at home or school as flexibly as they can. In adition, what I am appreciated is the coursework can provide both preview and review activities in language class, which help English teaching for class teaching and evalating. Generally speaking, IVD is a excellent courseware that can be applied into language teaching and learning. It provides enthentic environment for learners, which highly motivates students' learning.

2010年3月4日 星期四

Reading reflection - Theory driven CALL and the development process

This paper mainly discusses that theoretical frameworks have been used to motivate CALL projects. It is true that thteory might be a guideline for CALL projects. But in some cases, CALL projects have not been driven directly by theory. When it comes to practical environment, problems might appear. In this paper, I strongly agree with Wyatt idea that" one of the most fundamental issues in the field of CALL is the fit between the computer's capabilities ans demands of language pedagogy". Theory can be useful for fitting the techonolgy and teaching demands. People believe that CALL should be theory- driven, the formalists which might not encompass the context of CALL. In fact, as the papet mentioned, proceeding with the theory through the development process, writing a program and evaluating it is a sure way to test strength and liminations of the theory in this repect.

2010年1月31日 星期日

Reading reflection

Language Learner Behaviour in a Virtual Environment
This paper mainly discusses the research on people communicate on line. It shows that people fewer inhibitions. All of the findings are about the research on psychological aspects of online behaviour. For my teaching experience, I found that students with high grades are unwilling to speak in classroom or in front of others. But if they communicate with their classmates and friends, they have lots of to say. Therefore, I think Internet will be a good way for communication among students.First it gives every student the same opportunity to express their opinions, because it is impossible for teachers to know every body's ideas in a short time. Internet can be a media to connect different people. Students are easily to get self-confidence with anonymous on net. Second, most students feel distance with teachers. They seldom have chat with teachers or parents. But they like to share their opinions with peers. Encourage them to use Internet to communicate with teachers and peers will stimulate their interests in learning language. Because of the physical distance and low social presence by using the net, I should encourage my students to use Internet more to communicate with others. Different activities can be designed. For example, teacher can create a forum for students to have free discussion. Give them some homework to send email to their group partners to share their opinions and ideas. I think it will be more attractive for other homework. It will make my further teaching effective if everyone is less inhibited to share their opinions.

2010年1月22日 星期五

Internet for English Teaching-Planning tips

Planning Tips:
1.time: to do a few tasks or projects rather than too much time and start with sth clear and relatively straightforward.
2.computer and Internet access:let students have access to school computers outside class ahead of time.
3.communication:Set up e-mail lists for small group or the whole class either through your instiution or through a free on-line service.
4.partners:choose a partners to consider the difference in schedule, level or goals.
5.team teaching:choose a relaible partner who has a similar teaching approach.
6.student interaction:encourage students to introduce themselves and exchange their personal information.
7.monitoring:Establish clear guidelines and timetables for on-line projects. For example, a list of assignments, a time line for a semester long and project-based course.
8.assessment: Explian how to asssess students. Consider evaluating srudents by means of electronic portfolios.
9.a shared experience:allow students to share their work with other teachers, students, and family or community members through computer or Internet fairs at your school or by writing it for on line discussion or journal.
Figure 1. Potholes on the Information Superhighway
1.slow downloads:a. work in group to minimize the Internet connection used.
b. visit the websites before the lesson begin.
c. download sites onto computer hard drive.
2. dead link: a.use larger ,well established sites.
b. check regularly.
c. orient sutdents to search alternative resourse.
3.lost in cyberspace: a.create homepage of your course.
b.take time to see the web browsers.
c. teach students how to configure the browers themselves.
Figure 2. High Tech in a Low-Tech Environment
a. Focus on e-mail.
b. combine off-line and on-line work.
c. have students work in group.
d. make sure of computer outside school.
e. learn to make do with an older computer.

2010年1月19日 星期二

Teaching experience by using technology

I had two years teaching experience on teaching English. I taught secondary students and primary pupils.I'd like to share my primary teaching experience, beacuse I used tcchnology to assist my teaching and it achieved good outcomes. As most teachers, I was not interested in technology teaching before. I thought technology was so complicated that I could not handle it.when it came to problems in class, it wasted time to fix it. But since first time I used it in primary teaching, I found I could not stop using it because of unexpected outcomes. In fact, technology helped me to control my classroom. The most important thing is that pupils are keen on cartoon, music and games. If without multimedia, English teaching was extremely boring.It was hard for little kids to concentrate for 40 mins.
At present,I'd like to share my experience on how to teach in the classroom.First I introduce the text books that are published by Longman Press.Most primary teachers know that it is difficult to teach low age students. Therefore, teaching primary students was a big challenge for me.Fortunately, we had got a package teaching materials from publisher. It contained E-book, listening CD, activities CD-Rom and Game CD-Rom. You could make classroom interesting by using these materials. I often used animation and sound to attract students' attention. Second, I often divided my class time into three parts. Each part had different teaching target.First 20mins is to learn new lesson including vocabulary and sentence structures. I always used E-book to show the pronounciation. When they had enough practice, I divided them into different groups to do activities.The CD-Rom includes vedio and different tasks based on the chapter. They were interested in this part. The last section was fun time. I used to teach them song or play games with them. I thougt my classroom was alive and I found students like this kind of teaching. Technology made my teaching easy and effective.

2010年1月17日 星期日

A good website for English learning

http://www.vocaboly.com/ is a great website for English vocabulary learning. It contains SAT, TOEFL,GRE, GMAT and general vocabulary. Vocaboly is really a innoative vocabulary builder. It provides on line vocabulary tests that are convenient for learners to have vocabulary tests. The most helpful thing in this website is its vocabulary learning software called Vocaboly 2.1 and it offers free download. The website also has Support Forum for learners to share learning experience. I'd like to recommend this website to my students to help them learn more vocabulary.

2010年1月13日 星期三

My introduction

Welcome to my new blog. This is Wei Ting. I am so glad to share my experience of learning and teaching language. Actually, the computer and websites help people to learn new knowledge and broaden their horizons. I remembered how I could learn English a decade ago when technology had not developed as nowadays. The only machine provieded in the classroom was a tape recorder. When I was in college, computers and the internet have been widely used. Multimedia has been introduced into classroom.Teachers use computers to teach. It helped language learning and teaching. I am really appreciated the new technology that changes the tradition teaching. At that moment, I started learning English through internet. I could choose listening, speaking ,reading and writing materials in different websites. One of my favourite websites is
http://www.putclub.com/. It is good for ESL learners. If someone wants to practice listening, putclub is the best place. It provides a forum for learners to make dictation.
http://www.englishclub.com/ is a free website for learners and teachers of English. Please have a check if you are interested in it.
http://www.youtube.com/ I think most people are familiar with this website. I often search videos here.
http://www.nytimes.com/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/ are great news pages for learners to know the latest news and events all of world.
I also had two year English teaching experience in a secondary school. In my school, every classroom had equipped a computer, screen, projection. The technology is widely used in classroom teaching. Teachers use them to present PPT and other resources related to lessons. I used multimedia to teach and I also designed tasks by using computer. In the classroom students had been divided into different group to solve the problems. I think the information stage has brought new style of learning. Teachers' role has changed. As a teacher, it is more important to teach students how to learn rather than knowledge.
The course of New Technologies in Language Teaching is helpful for English teachers. I hope it to broaden my horizons and bring some new ideas in language teaching. It will make effective teaching in the future.